
4 slices of Iberian ham Redondo Iglesias
Garlic slices
Paprika de la Vera (sweet/spicy)
Bread sheets
2/3 slices of Iberian ham bacon Redondo Iglesias

Toast some cumin seeds in a pan, crush them in a mortar and set aside. Cut two or three slices of Redondo Iglesias Iberian ham bacon and chop them. In a casserole put olive oil and add the bacon. We add garlic slices in abundance and brown them. Add the crushed cumin and a generous spoonful of paprika de la Vera (sweet or with a spicy touch according to taste) apart without leaving the paprika, add water and bring to a boil (can be done with broth but traditionally water was used).

In an earthenware bowl, prepare some slices of bread and place them with four slices of Redondo Iglesias Iberian ham and a raw egg yolk.

Pour the soup into a ladle and stir in the yolk until it fills the bowl.


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